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Library Policies


An affiliate is an individual with an LSU Health Shreveport or Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport valid school or work photo ID.

LSU Health Shreveport affiliates with valid photo ID include

  • All Faculty
  • Full-time Staff
  • Residents and Fellows
  • Students currently enrolled within the LSU Health Shreveport Schools of Medicine, Allied Health Professions or Graduate Studies

Ochsner LSU Health affiliates are employees with a valid work photo ID.

Appropriate Use of Electronic Resources

The Health Sciences Library negotiates and agrees to licenses for our electronic resources. These licenses permit certain uses of the e-resources and prohibit other uses.  In general, you may download and share resources or full text (such as PDF downloads of articles) with other LSU Health Shreveport personnel.

The following uses of our resources are usually prohibited:

  • Sharing downloads with colleagues not affiliated with LSU Health Shreveport
  • Systematically running web crawlers to download copyrighted full-text content or download excessive numbers of bibliographic citations
    • This includes training artificial intelligence applications on copyrighted material licensed by the Library
  • Posting full-text or copyrighted content from databases to e-mail lists or worldwide file-sharing utilities such as Sci-Hub
  • Sharing usernames and passwords with colleagues not affiliated with LSU Health Shreveport

Publisher’s patrol electronic resource usage for potential violations of licensing agreements. Such violations could result in the publisher discontinuing access to the electronic resource for all of LSU Health Shreveport and Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport.

We are happy to answer questions if you are unsure about using Library online resources properly.

The Library's electronic resources are available at computers located on the LSU Health Shreveport network. Off-campus access is available through the LSU Health Shreveport VPN. To access the VPN software, the user must have a current LSUHS email account.

Borrowing Materials from LOUIS Members

The Library participates in LOUIS, a partnership of Louisiana libraries cooperating to promote resource sharing among Louisiana libraries. Patrons in good standing with the LSU Health Shreveport Health Sciences Library may utilize collections of participating Louisiana libraries by applying for a LOUIS card at the Library front desk. Any charges incurred through the program are reported to the home library and are charged directly to the patron.

Borrowing Requirements

To check items out, an individual must be an affiliate and present his/her own school or work valid photo ID.


Per Administrative Directive 6.16, children may not be brought to the workplace (or the Library) on a repeated basis in lieu of childcare. Children under 18 may never be left unattended in the Library. If an unattended child is in the Library, staff will immediately contact University Police

Circulating Items

  • Books and audiovisual items can be checked out for two weeks and renewed by telephone, provided there are no holds or recalls on the item.  
  • Journals and Reference items are not available for checkout except by special permission of the Manager of Access Services or a member of the Library Administration.  

  • Items in the Reserve collection may be checked out from the Reserve area for library use only and must be returned before closing on the same day. Exception: Most reserve items can be checked out at 10:00 p.m. for overnight use and will be due at 8:00 a.m. the next day.  

Classes Offered by the Library

Upon request, library staff will customize class offerings for specific needs. Classes should be scheduled at least two weeks in advance by contacting the Library Liaison associated with your department. 

Commemorative Books

Monetary contributions to the library are always gratefully accepted. Library patrons may choose to honor a family member, friend, or colleague by making a monetary contribution to the library for the purchase of a book. The donor may designate a particular subject area for the book. The donor will receive a letter acknowledging the gift and identifying the amount of the gift. Notification of the gift (without identifying the amount) will be sent to the honoree or, in the case of a memorial, to the family of the deceased. If a print book is purchased, a bookplate will be placed on the inside front cover of the book to identify it as a commemorative gift. If an electronic book is purchased, the donor and the honoree will be acknowledged on the electronic books page at the library's website.  E-mail for more information.

Collection Development

The collection of the LSU Health Shreveport Health Sciences Library is developed to meet the present and future information needs of the students, faculty, researchers, health care providers, administrators, and staff of the University Health Shreveport, School of Medicine, School of Graduate Studies, and School of Allied Health Professions. Therefore, major emphasis is given to acquiring materials covering the subjects of biomedical research, medical practice, and associated issues. Funds for the purchase of materials are a designated item in the Library budget, which is assigned by the Budget Office. Book retention is guided by the Book Retention policy.

LSU Health Shreveport faculty, staff, and students are welcome to request a title be considered for purchase by contacting Montie' Dobbins. 

Computer and Internet Use

The library has two computer labs, housing 49 PCs. These labs are available to LSU Health Shreveport affiliates and visitors who are performing research within the scope of health and biomedical research. Computer use is on a first-come, first-served basis. Only preloaded software can be used; no personal software may be installed. The computer labs can be scheduled for classes & presentations. Users should contact Darryl Anderson (x5-5460). 

Wireless Internet connectivity is available for laptops used by LSU Health Shreveport affiliates and visitors .  However, laptop specifications and settings must comply with the institutional policy concerning wireless usage.

As stated in Chancellor's Memorandum # 18, "All users are advised that they should have no expectation whatsoever of privacy as to any transmission/communication or image generated, received by, sent by, or stored in a computer."

The library computers are not to be used for the following:

•  Seeking unauthorized access to library or network computer systems or files with the intent of violating computer security; altering system or network configurations; altering system or network access codes; sabotage; or causing damage through the placing of viruses, worms or embedded messages

•  Engaging in any illegal activity, including violation of copyright laws or licensing agreements

•  Misrepresenting oneself on the Internet or engaging in fraud

•  Viewing, downloading, or disseminating pornography

•  Issuing threats

•  Participating in chat rooms or forums that are non-work related

•  Playing games

•  Viewing or participating in sites such as YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook for purposes other than biomedical research, teaching or learning 

•  Downloading streaming audio or video for purposes other than biomedical research, teaching or learning 

Library response to inappropriate uses may include revoking computer access privileges or contacting the University Police.


Database Searching and Reference Services

The primary goal of the Reference Section is to anticipate, meet and exceed the information needs of the LSU Health Shreveport affiliates. The Reference Section librarians provide computerized mediated searches, in addition to answering ready reference questions from walk-in, telephone, or electronic mail clients. These services are provided as quickly as possible by accessing information housed in the library, as well as that available through outside sources.   

Systematic review searches and other large searches are processed in the order they arrive, and researchers should plan a longer response time for these searches.   

One-on-one or group instruction on using databases can be scheduled by contacting the Reference Desk or the Library Liaison associated with your department.  

Disruptive Behavior

The library maintains an environment conducive to quiet study and research. Individuals behaving in a disruptive manner will be reminded to maintain our quiet environment. If disruptive behavior persists, library staff may ask the individual to leave and/or may notify University Police.

E-Cigarettes and Tobacco

In addition to the campus smoke-free policy (Chancellor’s Memoranda 10), usage of e-cigarettes or any form of tobacco is not allowed in the Library. Violators will be reported to the University Police Department or to the Dean of Student Affairs.

Emergency Policies

When the fire alarms sound, library personnel will immediately contact the University Police (x5-6160) to determine whether a drill is in progress. If University Police cannot be reached, library supervisory staff will make a decision as to whether or not to evacuate the library. In the event of a fire, library staff will notify patrons via the P.A. system. All occupants must exit the building immediately. Maps noting the location of exits are posted near the library elevators. In the event of any other emergency or disaster, instructions will be given.

In accordance with campus policies, medical emergencies should be directed to local emergency services by dialing 9-911. Non-medical emergencies should be immediately reported to campus police by dialing x5-3UPD or x5-3873.

In the event of a power failure, backup generators will provide emergency power.

Food and Drink

Food and drink are permitted in the Library.

Help for Disabled or Handicapped Individuals

Elevators serve all floors of the Library.  

The distance between shelves in the public areas of the Library is 43".  

The Library makes every effort to license electronic resources that can be used by people with disabilities. However, we cannot guarantee all publishers provide accessible online products. Please contact the Library if you are experiencing difficulty using an electronic resource, and we will relay the concern to the publisher.  

Library staff provide reasonable assistance to disabled individuals. Please contact the Library in advance if you will require extensive assistance retrieving or using materials. These services cannot be provided when only 1 Library staff member is on duty. 

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) and Document Delivery

ILL services are available for LSU Health Shreveport affiliates. You can make request through our CLIO system There is no charge for regular interlibrary loan usage which may include one or two articles at a time. Excessive requests from the same journal or many requests in general may result in charges. Users will be contacted before ordering is done in those instances.   

Library staff are happy to answer questions about how to complete interlibrary loan requests, but Library staff cannot complete interlibrary loan forms for affiliates. The person requesting the item, or her/his authorized designee (such as an administrative assistant), must submit the requests.  

By sending an email which includes the full citation(s) or do link(s) to the Reference Desk, affiliates can request photocopies of articles in journals owned by the Library (in-house articles). Please allow 1 business day for the articles to be supplied. If there is a long list of articles, the time may be longer.    

We do not supply interlibrary loans or provide in-house photocopying to local law firms or expert witnesses.   


Leisure Reading Magazines 

General interest magazines donated by Library Faculty are available on the first floor for visitors to read.

The Leisure Library at LSUHS found on the first floor is a free book-sharing initiative where anyone can take or donate books.  While the classic motto "Take a book, leave a book" is a good guideline, remember to be a thoughtful patron for your classmates and colleagues:

Don't Empty the Library! Please avoid depleting the collection so everyone can enjoy.

Leisure Books Only, Please! Mystery, Romance, Horror, Sci-Fi, Biography, Self-Help, etc.

Visit often and enjoy!

Lost and Found

The library retains lost items for 30 days. Since University Police will no longer take lost and found, items are discarded after that time. 

Public Access

Non-affiliates may only come to the LSUHS Library between 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday and Friday. To get to the Library, interested parties must enter through the BRI atrium entrance and check in with University Police. After they have been checked in, University Police will call the library, and someone from the Library will come to get the visitor. Visitors must be prepared to provide a valid state driver’s license or ID to be kept at the Access Services desk until they leave. Names and ID numbers will be logged. The visitor will receive their ID back when they are escorted out of the building. Visitors must leave by 5:00 pm. After 30 days the visitors name and ID number will be shredded.


The LSU Health Shreveport Library is the principal information resource for the faculty, staff, students, and other affiliates of the institution. While the Library is open to patients, visitors, and other members of the public, please note that all visitors to the Library are expected to adhere to the Library’s Code of Conduct.

Quiet Area

The Second Floor of the Library is the designated Quiet Area of the Library.  Those using this floor should limit talking and leave the floor to take phone calls. 

Reference Services and Database Searching

The primary goal of the Reference Section is to anticipate, meet and exceed the information needs of the LSU Health Shreveport affiliates. The Reference Section librarians provide computerized mediated searches, in addition to answering ready reference questions from walk-in, telephone, or electronic mail clients. These services are provided as quickly as possible by accessing information housed in the library, as well as that available through outside sources.   

Systematic review searches and other large searches are processed in the order they arrive, and researchers should plan a longer response time for these searches.   

One-on-one or group instruction on using databases can be scheduled by contacting the Reference Desk or the Library Liaison associated with your department. 

Weather and Power Failures 

Because the weather in northwest Louisiana is frequently stormy, and causes power outages, Library visitors are advised to save electronic work frequently.  

When the Chancellor or designee closes the Library because of inclement or dangerous weather, Library Administration will notify the campus community as promptly as possible.


Writing Consultants 

Documents to be reviewed should be e-mailed to   

Please see all policies about the Writing Consultants at this link.
