Computer Labs

The library has two computer labs located on the first floor. The computer lab in 1-417 houses 29 pcs, and the computer lab in 1-419 has 20 pcs. Machines in both labs are Windows 10 computers with printing capabilities. These labs are available to LSU Health Shreveport affiliates and visitors who perform research within the scope of health and biomedical research. Computer use is on a first-come, first-served basis. Only preloaded software can be used; no personal software may be installed. The computer labs are scheduled for classes & presentations. Users should contact Darryl Anderson (x5-5460).
Wireless Internet connectivity is available for laptops used by LSU Health Shreveport affiliates and visitors. Laptop specifications and settings must comply with the institutional policy concerning wireless usage.
As stated in Chancellor's Memorandum # 18, "All users are advised that they should have no expectation whatsoever of privacy as to any transmission/communication or image generated, received by, sent by, or stored in a computer.
The Library computers are not to be used for the following:
• Seeking unauthorized access to the library or network computer systems or files with the intent of violating computer security; altering system or network configurations; altering system or network access codes; sabotage; or causing damage through the placing of viruses, worms or embedded messages
• Engaging in any illegal activity, including violation of copyright laws or licensing agreements
• Misrepresenting oneself on the Internet or engaging in fraud
• Viewing, downloading, or disseminating pornography
• Issuing threats
• Participating in chat rooms or forums that are non-work related
• Playing games
• Viewing or participating in sites such as YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook for purposes other than biomedical research, teaching or learning
• Downloading streaming audio or video for purposes other than biomedical research, teaching, or learning
Library response to inappropriate uses may include revoking computer access privileges or contacting the University Police.